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Assistant Professor (Prosthodontics) - IIDC
Apply By May 27, 2024
Job Description (total positions: 1, posted on: May 20, 2024)

For Islamic International Dental College-Hospital

  • Teaching and training of undergraduates as per PMDC and IIDC curriculum.
  • To ensure smooth running of the department.
  • To ensure the best academic and clinical practices for the undergraduates and Post Graduate Students.

Required Skills

Student Handeling Skills, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Clinical Operations, Patient Care,

Teachers/Education, Training & Development
Job Type
Full Time/Permanent ( First Shift (Day) )
No Preference
Minimum Education
Degree Title
Level-III Qualification as per PM&DC
Career Level
Experienced Professional
Minimum Experience
2 Years(or As per PM&DC)